My daughter loves this. It is comfy and super cute. She wants to get it in more colors.
The shirt is so so soft and comfortable and the design is printed so clearly and has stayed on without fading after several washes.
Saw this shirt on a fashion bloggers' page, and ordered it. I ordered my usual size, and found it to be a good fit. It's good fabric and washes well (I was on delicate and line dried) and it hasn't shrunk. Good value for the price!
I am seriously in LOVE with this top! Its such a cute variation on the trendy print thats pretty much on everything right now. This is the perfect transitional piece- its feminine and not as dark as alot of the other prints that you would wear. It seems well made, with good seams. I havent washed it yet, so time will tell because I'm going to be wearing this over and over again! I can NOT wait for more !this looks so great with a pair of skinny jeans and booties.